And while the responsibility for Biden's debate performance rests solely on him, he was the one up there doing the talking, and it wasn't good, the reaction of Democrats to his performance has been inexcusable and extremely dangerous. It has given the right wing propaganda sources the words they need without using their own. [The instant jump to the conclusion that Biden needs to be replaced is exactly straight out of the Trump campaign playbook. They couldn't have done better if they'd written the script for this whole scenario. The demands for Biden to step down, the criticism of his debate performance, that Fox News is reporting isn't coming from Republican sources. It's coming from Democrats.
I give Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, Gavin Newsome, and several other Democratic Senators and Congressmen who commented publicly on this credit for not playing directly into the hands of Republicans and Trump supporting media outlets. Had all Democrats kept their panic to themselves, and had they let people with the knowledge and prior experience handle this, the Republican media would still have pointed fingers, made accusations and claimed this was a disaster and Democrats were in disarray. But that would have looked like their own bias. They're getting their quotes and talking points from Democrats who, in defeatist fashion, are jumping forward way too soon.
And if this does become one of those turning point moments that costs Biden re-election, it will be his own Democratic party, and the media that prides itself on being fair and balanced with a progressive tone, that will be to blame. Fortunately, the people in the Democratic party whose opinion weights heavily and counts the most are putting this all in perspective and trying to drown out the defeatists.