Evangelicals who support Trump are betraying Christian principles, values and faith. [View all]
Trump's takeover of the Republican party, and the blending of those right wing politics with conservative, Evangelicals have caused their departure from the biblical version of the Christian faith and have transformed Trump-supporting Evangelicals into pseudo-Christians. They use the language, some of it anyway, and they give off an appearance of being Christian, but there is a lot of evidence which proves that most of them have given up their Christian faith to place their trust in something, or someone else other than Jesus Christ.
The prayers,, given by pastors prior to Trump rallies, and written out for them, are a dead giveaway. First, telling God that, from their perspective, the leaders of this country are evil, and "with every passing day, we slip farther and farther into George Orwell's tyrannical dystopia."
If that is happening, it's not necessary to fill God in, that is, if you believe who the Bible says he is. He'd know that and the sermon in the prayer, which is not directed at God, but at the audience, is the first clue that we're not dealing with someone who has an understanding of the Christian gospel, the Christian faith, or prayer.
esus himself taught that the most important commandment, loving God with all one's heart, soul, mind and strength, was connected to, and demonstrated by "loving your neighbor as yourself." And Jesus defined "neighbor" in a parable, known as "the Good Samaritan," in which "neighbor" was illustrated in the person of the Samaritan, a man from an ethnic background and religious sect despised and looked down on by the Jewish population. The love to be extended to the neighbor was not conditioned upon the neighbor being of the same religion, race, ethnicity or even a citizen of the same political district or country, since Samaria and Judea were separate provinces under Roman rule at the time.
So I have to ask this pointed question. When we observe politically engaged Evangelicals, who are representing their faith and the Republican party, where do we see examples of their public obedience to this, one of the two commandments Jesus clarified as being "the greatest"?