"Bring out the comfy chair!" [View all]
Please, please, tell me that somebody else gets this reference!
Earlier today, I was in the lobby of my senior living apartment building. A resident came into the lobby ahead of a delivery man pushing a large cardboard box on a cart. The woman working the reception desk saw the box and said, "Voting machine? Take that right into the community room." (Building's community room is a polling place.)
The woman escorting the delivery responded, "No, he's bringing up a chair for me; it's a lumbar chair." Where upon I proclaimed, "Bring out the comfy chair!" and was largely ignored. I turned to the person standing closest to me and said, "You know, from Monty Python?" and was met with a blank stare.
I felt so alone right then. It was a real life Monty Python moment and she specifically said it was a lumbar chair, not some spindly dining chair. How could I have passed that up!?
Ah well, what can I say? There are some days when I think that I must be speaking ancient Sumerian or maybe Sanskrit.
Self-pity rant over.