Odd weather advisory tonight for my area in North-central Kentucky. [View all]
Don't recall seeing this one here before now: Freezing Fog Advisory (Louisville area).
Then, it hit me as to what the real hazard may be. After recalling my days in western Oregon paper mill jobs and their mornings with BLACK ICE! I remember driving on that shit and it was treacherous. Roads look perfectly normal but then oh noooooo.
So, I found out the National Weather Service does have a glossary (https://forecast.weather.gov/glossary.php) and this is what I found:
Freezing Fog:
A fog the droplets of which freeze upon contact with exposed objects and form a coating of rime and/or glaze.
At 77, still learning something new every day.......
What we now have on the ground (and on our roofs) from the weekend storm:
* 4 to 6" loosely packed snow.
* a solid layer of ice, often
1-inch thick.
* another 1/2 to 1-inch of fine snow.
I'm very worried about those heavy sheets of ice falling from people's roofs and hurting folks, especially kids playing outdoors.