… so, I guess the answer is, "yes".
I'm not sure what your motivation might be to see the movie. In my case, I knew it was the portrayal of this story, and I wanted to see how accurate it would be. However, I didn't know how close it might be the actual book written by this Wall Street huckster.
You should understand that the story paints a pretty accurate account of what actually went on. The screen-play was written by Terence Winter.
I don't happen to be a huge DiCaprio-Scorsese stuff, and therefore, my motivation was to know that movie goers would be presented with reality. I believe more people need to understand how the pump and dump schemes work. They were presented as rather dark comedy. I think the message of the movie is interestingly delivered because DiCaprio, as he plays the character often looks into the screen and talks directly to the audience. As Winter said, "You are being sold the Jordan Belfort story by Jordan Belfort, and he is a very unreliable narrator."
It doesn't make it Bonnie and Clyde glamorous… It really presents scum bagger of the worst type. My friend seeing it tonight with me stated at one point, "I'm worried that kids will get the wrong message seeing this." Well, first of all, if they get in, it'll be with an adult in tow. Frankly, I think "kids" already are wise to much scum bagger, and there is so much of it, the message to most anyone coming out of this movie would be how the love of money is so disgusting.
But, that's me.