respond here, too.
You're very talented, Dalton - that's so obvious. Like ProfessorGAC, I really like those first two tracks - Don't Understand and Desolated Children - and I also particularly like I'll Fly Away.
IMO no one who can write and perform music like that is a failure, or should ever feel like one. Your own music offers hope, even though the lyrics are so dark and you feel you failed. I wish you'd let the music lift you up, and let it lift those lyrics up as well. I hear talent in the music rebelling against despair in the lyrics. I'd like to see the talent kick out the despair, or at least subdue it and put it in perspective.
There's a lot of pain in the world, but music soars above it and can rescue us.
Like ProfessorGAC - whose uploaded music I hope you'll listen to, because he's really talented - you've been fortunate to have the talent and perseverance to work as a musician. All those performances were accomplishments that would have made the day better for the people who heard you. I wish I could replay all the applause and smiles for you.
I wish there was guaranteed financial security for artists, but there never has been.
Art is worth it anyway. It's humanity's voice, humanity's dance, lifting up over the suffering we might have to deal with. It offers both escape and perspective.
It doesn't always offer enough escape and perspective to the artists themselves, and I wish it did.
But I hope we can still convince you that you aren't a failure. That you haven't been a failure. And that the music fighting to get through even your bleakest moods should be set free so it can lift you up.
Sorry this is so wordy. I probably should have posted a meme or two instead.
Editing because I found one...