McSally's Dad Succeeded with Socialist Supports. So Did McSally. [View all]
I just want to point out that McSallys life was enhanced by the sort of socialist government programs that she will likely rail against in her bid for
er, retention?
According to McSally, here, her dad benefitted from an essentially free higher education under the GI Bill. Sounds like he put himself through college before the war, and then attended law school on the Bill. Framed as a thank you to the troops, the GI Bill was actually an incredibly canny investment in the future productivity of a massive, largely-untrained workforce that would otherwise have swamped the labor market.
Democrats propose exactly that level of investment in higher education for all that can benefit of it, not just those who can afford it, or those willing to burden themselves with often lifelong debt. Even if not paid for in service, that education will be paid for in greater future taxes on earning and greater spending by that individual. Its whats commonly called a public investment the sort we used be able to make, before we became too broken.
When as a lawyer in the prime of his earning years, Mr. McSally tragically passed of a heart attack, it was undoubtedly a major blow to a family with five kids, both emotionally and economically. My sincere condolences to Senator McSally for her, and her familys, loss.
Social Security would have certainly paid survivors benefits to the surviving spouse. In fact, child survivor benefits might have been paid for 12 year old Martha McSally herself, as well as her other minor sibs. That could have certainly have helped cushion the financial blow that such a loss would be to a family.
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