Arizona Democrats give Elizabeth Warren edge on first night of primary debates [View all]
Sen. Elizabeth Warren was the early favorite of several of the more than 100 Arizona Democrats who gathered Wednesday to watch the first part of the two-night Democratic presidential primary debate on a big screen at Harkins Theaters in Tempe Marketplace.
Warren, D-Mass., went into the debate with a significant lead in the polls over Sen. Cory Booker, D-N.J., and former Rep. Beto ORourke, D-Texas, who were cited by NBC debate hosts as being the next highest-polling candidates.
Several people arriving at Theater 9 with popcorn and drinks in hand identified themselves as fans of Warren.
She has a plan for everything, said Erin Rugland, who said Warrens tax on families making more than $50 million, a policy the progressive senator has christened the ultra millionaire tax, and her plans to break up big banks and tech companies were needed reforms.
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