prejudice is exaggerates what prejudice to a class of people is.
Do police get stopped in the streets for being police in the wrong part of town? Do banks red line loans to police as a class? Do police as a class face discrimination in employment or housing just because they're police? Do police get sentenced out of proportion to the general population for doing the same crimes? Do I really need to demonstrate this even farther?
For one day they lost out on a coffee and I bet they went somewhere else to get that coffee and all they "suffered" was ruffled feathers.
For at least the fourth time: my concern is you're trivializing what prejudice towards a class of people is really about.
Do you feel a victim of prejudice yourself? I'm trying to understand your over concern over something that literaly is about only a cup of coffee and a shop owner who exercised his right to refuse service to anybody on personal and not class grounds, the same right you and I have.
Why do you feel so hard for the cops and not even mention the PoC who were treated with prejudice by cops just in a weeks period before?