7-year-old to Sen. Tom Cotton: Don't sacrifice PBS Kids for Trump's border wall [View all]
Although the anecdotal nature of town halls made it impossible to determine if the anger on display was artificially inflated or not, a few spoke with clear passion. One woman told Cotton that, were it not for the Affordable Care Act, three members of her family would be dead.
"I am an angry constituent," the woman said. "You work for us." She implored the senator to meet with her family to hear her story.
If there was a citizen in the Springdale crowd who received more applause, it was the last person to hold the microphone. Toby Smith age 7 "but almost 8? told Cotton that he found President Donald Trump's comments about Mexico concerning.
"Donald Trump makes Mexicans not important to people who are in Arkansas who like Mexicans," Toby said, pointing out that those Arkansans include himself and his grandma. Crucially for Toby, too, Trump's proposed border with Mexico wall posed a threat to PBS Kids and the national parks.
"He is deleting all the parks and PBS Kids just to make a wall," Toby said, "and he shouldn't do that. He shouldn't do all that stuff just for the wall."
The complete article is at
http://www.swtimes.com/news/20170223/7-year-old-to-sen-tom-cotton-dont-sacrifice-pbs-kids-for-trumps-border-wall .