Mark Darr: Trying to Correct Errors Made on Campaign Reports [View all]
Thursday, Aug. 22, 2013 4:03 pm
Arkansas Lt. Gov. Mark Darr.
LITTLE ROCK - Arkansas Lt. Gov. Mark Darr said Thursday he's correcting unspecified errors on his campaign finance reports, days after a website questioned hundreds of dollars spent at restaurants and gas stations shortly after he took office that were classified as fundraising expenses.
Darr, who's seeking the Republican nomination for a south Arkansas congressional seat, said the errors were related to reports from when his campaign was raising money to pay off the loan he made for his successful 2010 bid for the lieutenant governor's office.
"It has come to my attention that I have made some errors on my debt reporting forms," Darr said in a prepared statement. "I am going through those now and working with the Ethics Commission to ensure everything is done properly and all debt relief is accounted for. I hope to have any issue we find resolved shortly."
Darr didn't specify the errors made and a spokesman declined to elaborate. The statement was issued two days after the Blue Hog Report, a Democrat-leaning blog, detailed hundreds of dollars Darr reported spending in campaign funds. It included $1,500 spent on tickets to an Arkansas football game.