...our land has been in our family since 1942. I don't think tearing up all the business and apartments on Waialae Ave to build big multi-use apartment complexes is going to solve this problem. There simply isn't enough land! I agree with you, I don't like it either, but it is what is is - a series of island chains in the middle of the Pacific. Oahu is maxed out and I'm not sure lots of building on the outer islands is the solution either. Yeah there is some room for redevelopment - Kakaako, parts of Moiliili, Iwilei, Kalihi Kai, Barbers Point. But developments such as Koa Ridge and Hooplili aren't trying to increase urban density to provide affordable housing, they're sprawl!
We can do development in a smart way, but no matter what we do, it won't bring down the cost of living, it just will grow the middle class on Hawaii. What we really need to be looking at is why there is persistent inter-generational poverty. The school system needs drastic reform and there are a number of environmentally friendly industries that can be developed to provide good jobs to future generations: clean energy, more sustainable tourism, sciences, medicine...