I started out as an "anyone but Pritzger" person. I was wanting to support Chris Kennedy very badly, because I think (and still think) he is a good guy. But watching 3 debates and considering other factors, I've begun to relent. In each debate, Pritzker has seemed the most composed and detailed in his policy prescriptions and knowledge. Kennedy and Biss both have seemed not quite ready for prime time, in different ways. And my main goal is to unseat Rauner.
I'm sour on Biss also because of a personal bias: his endorsement from "Our Revolution," a group that I consider to be disruptive of the Democratic agenda. I also think he's too young and too ambitious. I don't think he'd hold up well.
I like Kennedy, but he has some performative flaws that I also feel uncomfortable about in a general election.
So that leaves me with Pritzger. I'm trying to overcome my distaste for his being another billionaire candidate. But he does have a long record of service to communities and the party. He does have the means to match Rauner. He is endorsed by Senators Durbin and Duckworth, whom I respect, as well as the Teacher's union and a host of other organizations.
I think any of the three will be a huge improvement over Rauner, but I don't think Rauner's unpopularity is to be taken for granted in the fall. I think I will (somewhat reluctantly) vote for Pritzger. My husband is still on the fence and may vote for Kennedy. That absolves us as a couple for any responsibility, since we will cancel each other's votes!