(Louisiana) Orleans Public Schools have 'fluid' plan for returning to school [View all]
NEW ORLEANS Leaders within the New Orleans Public Schools are keeping a close eye on the latest coronavirus trends and say they have a fluid plan in place. As of now, schools are set to start in early August, but school leaders say they are ready to pivot at any moment. School officials say when schools reopen will depend on the data and the parents.
Orleans Parish school leaders are asking parents to fill out a survey on its website so they can find out how many kids plan to return to in-person learning or learning virtually. Next week leaders will get together to reassess their plan.
As it stands now, students Pre-K through fourth grade will return full time and those in fifth through eighth grade will get a mix of in-person and distance learning with some grades attending daily based on school capacity.
"I look to the guidance from people like the American Academy of Pediatrics, Johns Hopkins CDC, but knowing as a public health professional it's not just the virus but there are significant public health risks to children who are disconnected from the educational system," said Dr. Jennifer Avegno, New Orleans public health director. "I believe that ideally children should be in person, particularly younger children. Three weeks ago I would have said no question, but now we really need to look at the trends over the next few weeks."
It was also announced that the district had secured personal protective equipment for all Orleans Parish public schools.