this is for us 90% for gun registration [View all]
this is strictly a case of better late than never;all us honest gun owners know we don't need 30 round clips,assault rifles to target practice with ,silencers,machine guns etc. to protect our homes! we also don't need a business to qualify for a concealed weapon permit which I feel should be good for every state same as a drivers license!
I have owned guns all my life and registered everyone I bought new! so has every other honest gun owner! I'm talking over 60 years! but this isn't what I'm pushing!
I'm saying that you and me the majority of the people voted for our congressman to represent us!
I'm saying that every one of us that feel that our congressman vote the party line on gun control and not what we the majority want(in other words they ignore their voters for the extremists) we vote against them in 2014 and 2016 or as long as they hold office!
as I write this I see a right extremist putting down the presidents budget! while his budget has been proven bad for the worker! we need to get this group out of office!
this is for all voters ! left or right lets get the trash out of office!