Another pathetic group claiming it alone understands the one, true meaning of democracy, and the human rights that go along with it.
About Us
We are living in a pivotal, exciting period of American history. The seemingly insoluble challenges can in fact be met by simply enforcing our Constitution for the first time since its ratification.
Tactical Civics Institute is the 501(c)(3) organization founded to support the research, educational and branding projects of AmericaAgain! Trust under the TACTICAL CIVICS brand as well as the nonprofit single-purpose project Our First Right, Inc, directed to preserving American liberty and Christian civilization.
We are not lobbyists, nor do we push particular legislation, endorse candidates or work for political parties. We simply promote self-government as envisioned by the framers of the U.S. Constitution, focusing on projects to educate Americans in civics and revive the inherent enforcement mechanisms of our highest law, thus helping Americans return to our duty for self-government.
In all of history, popular sovereignty has often been theorized most perfectly in the U.S. Constitution but never actually executed. Today, over 330 million Americans act like hostages on a hijacked plane: perennially complaining in fear, but with no intention of lifting a finger or leaving their seats. Overwhelmed by social media and news, they are led to believe they can do nothing about the nightmare.
TACTICAL CIVICS, through gradual, sequential education, strong national branding, and complete logistics and support, seeks to support widespread American repentance and responsible self-government. Through 12 years and over 60,000 hours of due diligence and R&D by 39 volunteers, AmericaAgain! Trust has developed TACTICAL CIVICS to deliver actionable value to the small remnant who will take responsibility for the toughest challenge and most exciting opportunity in history: popular constitutionalism.