A petition that all Oregonians should sign. It addresses a problem that could have had M92 pass [View all]
It looks like that for the most part Oregon voting systems were accurate enough to not allow for enough "errors" to overturn the no vote on Measure 92, even though it was only a little over 800 vote difference.
But the practice of disqualifying votes because a person's signature "doesn't match" what is on file seems like a potentially big problem in terms of a lot of subtle voter suppression that could occur if not monitored properly. Apparently there were around 4600 ballots thrown out for this. It would seem that in a recount, if voters who had their votes disqualified were to step forward and say that there vote was incorrectly not counted (which arguably it was), then these votes should be allowed to be counted. A better system needs to be put in place or those counting votes will perhaps use this as a weapon in elections like the close Measure 92 vote or other close races to swing it the wrong direction, if they disqualify votes based on political preferences in the guise of a signature "not matching".
Vote by mail for the most part is a better system than other systems out there, but this is something that needs fixing!