I've seen news stories about the local USPS going to job fairs to recruit. They have many people who show interest and zero actually apply.
I took the postal service test in the early 70s and received job offers as a temporary employee with low wages and no benefits. My off the record advice from a postmaster was only take the job if I wanted to make the Postal Service a long career. It might take years as a temp employee until an opening would be available for a benefited position and better salary. I took a low wage job at the University with full benefits instead.
I've heard from two ex-carriers about middle management here being unwilling to do anything to make the job easier and seem to think their job is just to write up underlings.
Adequate funding, new technology, and better management would help solve our problems but the hole they are in is deep so there are no quick fixes.
Today I took the pile of mail incorrectly delivered to us and walked several blocks to place mail in the correct addressee's boxes. I still have ones that need to go back to the PO for forwarding or are for other streets.