but last year's BC provincial election about did me in. There was no way Christy should ever have won. I still feel gut punched over that one, and we have another 3 years of hell to pay for it.
I was also sure Harper would get at the best a minority last time around too, instead he's busy destroying the country with a 39% "majority". Definitely no, I'm not talking voting strategically, we've been there tried that and it didn't work. But if the federal NDP and Liberals split the vote again it I see it being the same result as last time. Isn't it a form of insanity to keep doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results? It reminds me of the crazy robin who sees his reflection and keeps crashing into the window.
I know I'll come out and support the NDP again when the time comes, but my heart won't be in it if its just more of the same old. My money will be going instead to the people who are actually defending the country, instead of to the political parties. I already send what I can to a native camp blocking the pipeline and I will go up myself if Harper lets enbridge go through. And I know lots of others who plan to do the same.