Daniel Hannan has noticed that Brexit isn't going well. And he blames Remainers and the left [View all]
Not working out the way you thought, Hannan, is it? I am asked the question daily by angry Europhiles. And, to be fair, theyve got a point. I had assumed that, by now, wed have reached a broad national consensus around a moderate form of withdrawal that recognised the narrowness of the result a Brexit that left intact a number of our existing arrangements, while allowing us to leave the aspects of the EU which all sides could agree were harmful, such as the agricultural and fisheries policies and the common external tariff.
So begins Daniel Hannans latest brainfart over at Conservative Home. The article is mainly an excuse to kick the Labour party for pushing what the Tory MEP describes as the worst-of-all-worlds outcome, in which Britain would leave the single market but remain within the customs union. But the sight of Captain Brexit: The First Brexiteer suggesting that maybe things were not all going quite to plan has been novel enough to win coverage in the news pages of the Evening Standard, at least. (Im going to go out on a limb here and suggest that its just possible George Osborne doesnt think very highly of Daniel Hannan either.)
Hannan has form for blaming the left for messes for which his own side is very obviously responsible. Winning the referendum in the first place required those few outward-looking liberal leavers those who genuinely care about abstract notions of sovereignty and the ability of the government to negotiate its own trade deals to ally with the rather larger group of distinctly illiberal leavers, who couldnt give a fig for such things but know they dont really like immigration or modernity very much. Perhaps its because prominent members of the former group did not spend enough time calling out the latter, instead focusing their fire on those of us whod always thought Brexit was a silly idea in the first place.
Or perhaps its because the referendum was won, not with talk of the benefits of the single market, but with lies plastered onto buses about the costs of EU membership; with leaflets erroneously claiming that Turkey was about to join the EU, giving it an open land border with Syria and Iraq; and with Nigel Farage standing grinning in front of posters featuring anonymous hordes of sinister-looking brown people. Perhaps theres a reason why so many politicians are in favour of keeping Britain in the customs union, too. Perhaps its because there is no plausible model in which we can leave it without creating a hard border with the European Union, either messing up lives by creating a border on the island of Ireland, or messing up the entire United Kingdom by creating a border between Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Perhaps this is the sort of thing that someone who spent 25 years campaigning for Brexit might be expected to have given some thought to.