Hillary Clinton
In reply to the discussion: For as many years as I have been on this board, [View all]pandr32
(12,374 posts)Youth and socio-political movements are not strangers. The thing is that even though the country is pretty evenly split between Republicans and Democrats, Republicans carry a slight advantage because of redrawn boundaries that help stack the House in their favor, and a Media that is corporate owned and gets its revenue from advertisers--tending to favor Republican tax-cutting and anti-regulation policies, so there is a discernible conservative bias.
The advantage that Democrats have found themselves holding is that the Republican Party itself is in a civil war, and that President Obama has been rather successful. We also have stronger candidates than those who hopped out of the GOP clown car this election cycle.
Suddenly, Sanders, who decided to run and push our election policies a little further left than normal, started talking "revolution"--his campaign became aggressive and became associated with some rather unethical practices that we usually find in right-wing campaigns. We have seen data theft, the unauthorized use of logos, citing endorsements that were not given, right-wing talking points and smears against our lead candidate, impersonations to gain unauthorized access, and all kinds of accusations and threats against the DNC--all the while Sanders is running as a Democrat after railing against Democrats for decades. As a matter of fact he is still an Independent in Vermont where he will again run to be in the Senate if he fails with his presidential run.
The newbies he has attracted have grown up and been socialized differently than many of the rest of us. Many have come from Republican households. Their background is social media, lots of television and internet media, and gaming dominant. While some of Sanders supporters seem a little more down to earth, many are "out there" and do not operate with the same rules, the same ethics, and the same world views that the rest of us have.
It will be very difficult to bring this fringe group, and a large one at that, into the Democratic Party when they find their "revolution" is a Bernie Sanders' fantasy and fizzles.