I was looking at who was involved on this and it seems they are many of the people wh o congregated on DU GD -- when the more mainstream people preferred GDP. In addition, many of the worst are new people - and I suspect they might be libertarians - some of the Rand Paul variety.
I noticed a good article on facebook that spoke of the propaganda on Ukraine. He spoke of the far left picking up Russian propaganda - including in articles in the Nation. It is written by a Yale professor. Two interesting comments -
- The Russian media has said the protests were led by gays and Jews - the better to discredit it internally. Their claim in media designed for FOREIGNERS and their international statements claim that it was led by Nazis.
- They claim that the Russian language will be barred - but the person heading the interim government is Russian speaking and speaks Ukrainian badly.
It is dishearteningly like DU, where a Russian source or a Venezuelan source is taken as Gospel and everything from the Obama administration is taken as a lie. Why not question everything - giving more credit to things that seem to match what is happening in the world? With Russia, it seems to have worsened since Snowden was allowed to stay there.
I did watch the Face the Nation round table that followed Kerry and his words were well regarded by all -- except the lady from American Enterprise ( where Lynne Cheney once was.) Oddly, his appearances seem more controversial at DU than in the real world.)
(The stupid comments from DU idiots that they were for diplomacy -- and JK never was were pathetic to read. )