The average age of entry to prostitution is 12 [View all]
This is a 'fact' often repeated by certain members on here to argue against prostitution.
And if repetition made it true this stat would be undeniable.
However, despite repeated requests no citation of this has ever been offered. Usually such requests lead to the stat being repeated with an accusation against the individual asking thrown in.
Now this isn't necessarily a mens issue except it seems to be done intentionally to smear men as deviants and abusers (the same stat is used for porn which then implicates most men).
So my question is this: has anyone seen anything to back this or is it just a fiction some have pushed to back their arguments while bashing males?
/there are legitimate issues worth discussing about prostitution. I support the rights of adults to do as they please with their bodies while recognizing that doesn't mean it's going to be all sunshine and roses. So i'm not asking about those other issues. Just this one claim that seems to me to be entirely bogus.