Kids have no idea what a VCR is. Nor VHS format. Makes me feel old. [View all]
Crossposted in General Discussion. Would love to get a rec or kick there for visibility.
This really hit home to me. I remember the day in the early 90s that I discovered my 2nd grade class had no idea what I meant by a record player. Blank stares. Unfortunately in our outdated classroom that was all we had, so I had a lesson in how to put the needle on the record.
That made me feel very old and outdated.
Kids react.
Kids Reactions To VCR Player Are Priceless!
I remember being a child wandering around my dads warehouse (hoarded mess) looking at all the old, dusty junk. One of the things I remember having no clue about was an 8-track player. Im 27 years old and still had to Google that to make sure I wrote it correctly. For the record, I didnt. I thought it was A-track player. Now that Im an adult, I keep coming to the startling revelation that kids dont know what things are from my generation especially thanks to this video.
Fine Brothers Entertainment studio runs a Youtube channel that produces a show called Kids React. They sit kids down and ask them to react to different items. In their most recent episode, they ask children to react to the VCR player. Yes, the VCR. The bane of my existence. The eater and destroyer of your favorite tapes. Deities help you if you watched a long movie and had to rewind it. No longer is there a need for the phrase: Be Kind. Please Rewind.