According to teacher and education reform watchdog Peter Greene, writing at his Curmudgucation blog on Tuesday, the plan reads as "forty-four pages of How To Completely Circumvent the Public School System For Fun and Profit."
"This is not just about educational quality (or lack thereof), or just about how to turn education into a cash cow for a few high rollersthis is about a ham-handed effort to circumvent democracy in a major American city," Greene continued. "There's nothing in this plan about listening to the parents or communityonly about what is going to be done to them by men with power and money."
Among the plan's sharpest critics is LA Unified school board president Steve Zimmer, who characterized it to LA School Report as a destructive strategy that would ignore the needs of thousands of children "living in isolation, segregation and extreme poverty."
"This is not an all-kids plan or an all-kids strategy," he told the online news site. "Its very explicitly a some-kids strategy, a strategy that some kids will have a better education at a publicly-funded school that assumes that other kids will be injured by that opportunity. Its not appropriate in terms of what the conversation should be in Los Angeles. The conversation should be better public education options and quality public schools for all kids, not some kids."
He added: "To submit a business plan that focuses on market share is tantamount to commodifying our children."
And in an interview with the LA Times, Zimmer called Broad's plan "an outline for a hostile takeover."
"There's nothing in this plan about listening to the parents or communityonly about what is going to be done to them by men with power and money."
Peter Greene