Assume they are contractors or subcontractors..that is what they would be, They are not seen as individuals so much as part of their company. Their presence is due to their being there temporarily to perform the contract which their employer has won.
So its connected to the competitive bidding process. So I would start maybe at the web site for the WTO Government Procurement Agreement? Also, keep an eye on India and the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement for Services that they want.
More search terms "necessity tests" "economic means tests" also "no more burdensome than necessary to ensure the quality of the service", "disciplines on domestic regulation", licensing, words like that.. Even if we are meaning to talk about TiSA, since TiSA is just a means to eventually expanding the changes to merge with WTO, they use the same terms.
The cross border movement of natural persons to provide services is called "Mode Four" or "the fourth mode of supply"
I don't know. There is another one of those declassified "mandate" documents for TTIP and its much longer, also check wikileaks - their collection on TiSA.
Also, Jane Kelsey, she is a law professor from new Zealand, she wrote a book several years ago, "Serving whose interests" you can find it on Google Scholar or Google Books- read most of it on the web- Its about WTO and GATS and explains its history