See for a good example of a standstill clause, its right at the beginning.
So politicos can only propose things that reduce the level of non-conforming measures like public education and increase the level of liberalisation.
Otherwise its framed as a theft from corporate purveyors of such services. Competition Policy- is where you find these tenets.
This is one of the pillars of US trade policy. You wouldn't ask the Pope to suddenly change the entire position of the Catholic Church and allow abortion, would you. This is similar in intensity. The US is the #1 pusher of neoliberal policies. We just got India to give up their right to education to join the WTO.
Look at how the media blots out Senator Sanders. Neoliberalism is like a orthodox religion. You either get it or you don't. If you don't, just look around you, neoliberalism is the law of the planet now.
There is a strong perception among elites worldwide now that public education has outlived its usefulness in making them rich and now only gives poor people unrealistic expectations.
Who would hire all of them, with globalization they will all be too expensive!