I even understand that I provoked it. You must have just missed where I wrote above that I realized in my musings that I was contributing to an anti-teacher conversation that I did not mean to contribute to.
I regret starting a conversation that added to the pain that you are feeling and that teachers all over the country are feeling. You are absolutely under attack and it is dead wrong what is happening right now. Teachers are being scapegoated, for what? To gut unions? I don't know. But teachers have never been the problem.
I cannot apologize enough for how I insulted you and other teachers at DU. It was not my intention but clearly it is what happened. I am sorry.
Please know that I thank you for loving children so much that you give selflessly every day. I wish I could say more. I hope you feel my love.
Thank you for letting me know what I did so I can have the opportunity to try to repair the insult. Perhaps we could muse about these things in a different world where there is an understood appreciation for teachers and all that you do, and teachers are not being condemned at every turn. This is clearly not the time.