But that's never stopped me before.
A. Your friends in the field seem to be a representative sample. Most teachers now hate teaching; my guess is because it isn't "teaching" anymore, but rather.... pretty much what you described. Or more specifically, what THEY described to you.
We're speaking of PS teaching here. The schools that are being eeerhhh, uhhhmmmmm.... eeeehhhhhhh..... *reformed*. By the Obama administration.
I really have no idea what its like in private school and I imagine they ( the working/teaching/learning environments) vary widely.
Typically, private school teachers are not permitted to join unions, which means you serve at the pleasure of your administrator. Some folks are comfy with that. I could NEVER be.
Is it worth it? Not to me.
B. No. I miss the kids and some co-workers but not the "work" . Again, it's no longer teaching. It's "complying"; meaning, trying to satisfy a byzantine maze of bureaucratic regulations and mandates so one doesn't get in trouble. This is the Obama administration's idea of public education. A brave new world, indeed.
C. You didn't specifically ask for advice, but I'll give it anyway: don't do it.