Hey. My Local Rag Blasts the Hell Out of Bloombamacation. [View all]
It's actually a multiple national award winner in the ( LEGITIMATE) industry for being best small local.
>>>All over the city, teachers are contemplating new careers because they feel disrespected. One educator who happened to be named one of the best teachers in the city characterized the slew of new responsibilities she has been burdened with as secretarial work. She lamented that preparing to fulfill so many heightened requirements for the Department of Education robbed time from her preparations for her students.
As we saw last week, teachers priorities are children. And they should be.
Its unfortunate that it takes a crisis of this magnitude for the country to see what is a no-brainer for most who work inside schools: that those who have chosen the betterment of children as their careers would give their lives to protect them.>>>
And there's more:
Thought you might like to know that we are not COMPLETELY alone and ... despite the dogged efforts of the billionaire media and their political muppets (you KNOW who you are)... there's still a lot of support for us in the real world.
Maybe even more than before as this issue is played out. ( "The issue" being the national "reform" scam; not the Newtown mass murder.)