of boys and girls automatically, instead of having to remember not to reward boys for their scene-stealing behavior.
Just about enough time to start automatically allowing wait time for student responses - 15 seconds at the minimum.
Just about enough time to figure out different cohorts of students require different classroom layouts.
Just about enough time to realize that real lesson plans are important, rather than just "winging it" or reading a script.
Just about enough time to realize that some kids have no one at all in their corner, ever, and just the tiniest support will make that rock bloom.
Enough time to open and run a school? Nope.
Totally developmentally inappropriate to imagine that elementary kids have enough agency to work for an hour unsupervised on a computer.
No art or music? Heck, cut out lunch, too - everyone knows that digestion makes you sleepy, and sleepy kids can't learn; also by no means allow them any time out in the open to run and play and learn social interaction.
Majority of teachers have 2 years or less on the job? Wow. Let's completely reinvent the wheel - after all, those oldtimers never learned anything worth knowing after 30 years, right?