were initially targeted at poor, inner city communities, so also are elementary schools the targets of the standardized everything curriculum where all grade level teachers serve up the same canned lessons on the same day at the same time that they didn't create themselves, where subjects like art and PE, which are not amenable to standardized testing, are reduced or eliminated, where kids are marched everywhere they go and administrators are forced to skulk around seeing that everyone is "engaged in the learning process" i.e standardized test training, the scores of which will be used to evaluate the competence of teachers, students and administrators. This is the educational model of totalitarian states and oligarchies. Dickens would have seen it for what it is. With all due respect to the gentleman who made this video, I must disagree with his conclusion. We are now into the authoritarian, police state phase on our transition to the "New World Order", the gentleman shouldn't be out of the classroom, he should be in it, doing everything within his power to subvert education reform and teach the kids what they need to know, not what the oligarchs want them to know. He should be doing everything in his power to make public schools the incubators of future leaders like the ones the the oligarchs send their kids to and not training centers for the next generation of cubicle drones, cannon fodder and prisoner inmates.