Can you recommend a program for free or low-cost college textbooks? [View all]
I awoke to this Wishlist post and must be away from the computer most of the day, so I don't have time to research. She's in Washington State. Do you know of any free or low-cost textbook programs, specific to Washington State or a national program? Thank you very much.
I am an incoming student at the University of Washington with plans to study Public Health with the goal of working to improve health outcomes for disadvantaged populations. I'm very excited about my chosen career path and I was thrilled when I found out that I was accepted. Unfortunately, the school does not provide any kind of advance on Financial Aid before the first week of class. Of course, at that point, our primary option is to buy books at the overpriced bookstore. I would like to avoid that and find cheaper used books online. However, I'm only currently earning enough money to barely squeak by on a monthly basis and I'm already in debt to a pawn shop for money I needed to secure housing. I'd greatly appreciate any help with buying books before the Autumn quarter starts. Once I get my financial aid, my plan is to "pay it forward" and fulfill someone else's wish.