companies and establish a brand in children's minds. Period. Oh, and bankrupting schools even further by the purchase, setup, and maintenance of all these tablets -- that's another benefit, so the tech companies can further the aims of their friends' companies that set up charter schools to replace the 'failing' public schools. It's a win-win for the assholes.
Am I the only one who remembers how TV, at its inception, was talked up incessantly for its ability to educate children? It was supposed to lead to a golden age of kids who did nothing but learn math, social studies, etc., from the TV. Now, even back then, the TV was a way for the elite to sell its junk, and these days TV could rightfully be called the main impediment to learning (see "Four Arguments for the Elimination of Television" by J. Mander).
So, all the tech solutions that purport to teach kids are bullshit. This does not mean that the thoughtful student can't do meaningful work on a tablet that helps him learn; but all our recent experiences with tech is that it quickly devolves into lowest-common-denominator crap like porn, the Kardashians, Honey Booboo, etc. There is no reason to believe that a different platform for the same old shit will educate even one child about anything except what hookers look like.
The farther away we get from personal and constant interaction in a small-size classroom, with distractions and tech 'noise' eliminated as much as possible, the less children will learn. Period.