Only Teachers Would Put-up With This. [View all]
NYC's new ( union-endorsed !) evaluation plan. A "kettle of decomposing fish". Tee-hee. I knew there was something funny in the air.
Raging Horse blog:
>>>And under the new system, if such teachers are rated badly on standardized tests they had nothing to do with, they will nonetheless be rated ineffective.
If they are rated ineffective two years in a row, they are fired and can no longer work as a teacher in the NYC Public school system. Their teaching careers are over.
Even if you accept (as I most definitely do not) the perverse and completely unproven notion that scores on standardized tests are an fair measure and reflection of student learning, no sane and responsible person could think of any new evaluation plan that includes such absurdities as anything but utterly irresponsible and unprofessional.
And the above, mind you, is merely the most obvious problem of this incomprehensible and incomplete scheme that a system serving a million children must now deal with on a daily basis.
Why the UFT not only went along with this disgrace but actually helped craft it and then insured it was passed into law is yet another kettle of decomposing fish. Their actions remain incomprehensible to me.
How is such a debacle possible? Why is it permissible to treat teachers with such open contempt and gross institutional injustice? Can you imagine the performance of a cop or fireman or for that matter a hedge fund manager or a banker being judged on the work of someone else?
Of course, not. Not in a million years. So why is this acceptable for teachers ? How is it even legal? Indeed, how was even legal for a figure like King to impose this on us ?>>>