lo and behold, on the VERY FIRST link I found this . . .
In this article in the New York Daily News, award-winning investigative journalist Juan Gonzalez examines the high suspension rates at the Harlem Success Academy charter schools of Eva Moskowitz.
Gonzalez writes:
Success Academy, the charter school chain that boasts sky-high student scores on annual state tests, has for years used a zero tolerance disciplinary policy to suspend, push out, discharge or demote the very pupils who might lower those scores children with special needs or behavior problems.
. . .
Were you invited to this cool party?
This was a soirée for the super-rich who support Eva Moskowitzs charter schools. Those are the miracle schools that claim their students outperform the students in affluent Scarsdale.
Hedge fund manager Daniel S. Loeb was the honoree. He was surrounded by other hedge fund managers. They think they are Robin Hoods. They forget that the real Robin Hood stole from people like them.
Jeb Bush, Floridas own Robin Hood was there. So was Merryl Tisch, chancellor of the New York Board of Regents. Chris Christie gave the keynote speech.
All celebrating Evas Success Academies. They are the very epitome of no-excuses, nonunion charters.
Jeb also met with Rick Scott last weekend to discuss changes to Florida's education system - obviously with a goal of increasing educational success for all students . . . <sarcasm thingie>
After failing to show up at the three-day education summit he convened in Clearwater this week, Gov. Rick Scott held a private meeting in Miami on Thursday night to discuss the future of Florida's schools.
The guest list: former Gov. Jeb Bush, state Sen. John Thrasher and state Board of Education Chairman Gary Chartrand.
The dinnertime meeting was cloaked in extraordinary secrecy. Scott's schedule did not list a location other than "Miami, FL," and his chief spokeswoman, Melissa Sellers, couldn't provide any other details.
These guys simply CANNOT wait to get their greed hands on the school's bundle of money . . . they are salivating at the thought.