the heck is Bohemian Gravity? Please understand it is with a chuckle and a laugh not to criticize, but to explain that American young science majors and math persons are slowly peeling away from old European fundamentals.
The challenge is on and I think it is more than just a Sweet Caroline. I love that song but the relation to that chapel a cappella is supposed to be a divine inspiration. He does show some interesting passion for a significant other? Is this guy showing care for someone special, or just advertising his Masters Degree.
Yes this guy is expressing a lot of words in physics. Some study without being a major in the subject. But this A Cappella stuff is compelling, however it seems he is mocking Einstein and Richard Feynman. Einstein does swamp some mathematics with his new notation from my view completely missing some hyperrealism.
Feynman is a polynomial person trying to diagram in the quantum field and our sock puppeteer the Einstein snake is mocking Feynmans thirty dimensional deep manifold, remember the universe is expanding. It is cool however are all those voices his it must have been in a studio the sound quality is pretty good. Congratulation, now lets do something with the black holes.