I saw something interesting this summer. We attended three weddings of former students. In this case the best grades and most talented student was the young man who came from a working class family, first generation college student. The wealthy (oil money) student had the worst grades, worst attitude of the three.
In talking with them and their families during the reception I learned the wealthy student had landed a job paying almost twice what is normal for a graduate from our major. He was hired by "a friend of the family" who axcording to an aunt "saw his potential and overlooked his academic struggles (most of those due to heavy drinking). His wife was also hired by the same firm, her grades were also marginal. They have already bought a home and drove off in a new Infinity.
The working class student (i have to admit he was a favorite of mine), did not find a job in his field for a year. The one he found was with a very small firm with no insurance (ACA will be a blessing he said). He is not making enough to pay his loans, but hopes to work out a payment plan with Sallie Mae. His wife is still looking for a position, they live in a small apartment "cozy according to his proud Mom". They drove off in his Mom's 10 year old car because he doesn't have one yet (they use public transportation).
Driving home from the second one, my husband said "this just is NOT fair, those kids do not have a chance of getting ahead, they have worked hard, are nice kids but the deck is stacked". So it is...
What I am saying is, it is not a lack of intellect, but a lack of opportunity. The leg up no longer exista for these kids.