Darien, Ct Board of Education found in violation of IDEA ( Heroic SLP's memo ) [View all]
** To all who stand up to the status quo.
The Gamm report on special education in Darien
CORRECTION: The state Department of Education randomly sampled 25 IEPs before Osypuk took over as director. The state found errors in 13 of the IEPs, according to Gamms report, as they were not consistent with the IEPs on file in the districts system. Osypuk changed the IEPs so that they were consistent, but did not notify parents of these changes, according to Gamm.
Additionally, Osypuk found more than 200 IEP errors that affected more than 100 student records. Osypuk again corrected the errors, but did not inform parents.
Dr. Osypuk indicated that she did not believe it was necessary to notify parents of IEP corrections relating to the SEDAC upload process because the corrections did not impact student services, Gamm wrote, adding that she was told by district employees that it had not been a practice to inform parents when technical changes were made to IEPs.
Furthermore, the director indicated that the process for notifying parents would have been very time-consuming because of the large number of IEPs with errors, Gamm continued.
Background: The silence has died.
In the wake of a growing and deepening public school crisis, current and former Darien Schools employees are stepping forward to shine some light on an assortment of problems that happened last year and which ended in findings of illegal activity and the resignation of the districts superintendent.
The spark that ignited this firestorm of opinions? An eight-page letter from Julie Bookbinder to then-Superintendent Steve Falcone in September of 2012. The letter, sent via email, was released to The Darien Times through a Freedom of Information Act request.
A district in turmoil: Special ed problems exposed