How much more obvious could any of this be? Do we really need graphs to show us? More studies? More surveys? More comparison of test scores?
yeah, yeah, I know, preachin' to the choir.
I was thinkin' about this other day, too, while listening to the reporting on Trey Radel's cocaine bust. Too many people -- including Maddow and Hayes and O'Donnell, I fear -- don't truly understand the fundamental difference between the democratic/liberal/progressive/socialist ideology and the republican/conservative/fascist ideology. The latter is based on inequality. Inequality of wealth, of resources, of opportunities. The right sees no problem in and feels no shame about the data in those graphs. The double standard of morality applies, too. "The rich are different" also means they get treated differently and aren't held to the same standards of behavior. The right wing cannot exist without inequality; they have to protect, promote, sustain and aggravate it.
IF -- and that's a huge IF -- IF the so-called liberal media really wanted to effect change, they'd pound that concept home day after day after night after night. The only one who did it with any regularity was Keith Olbermann (who had so many problems that overshadowed his effectiveness) because he often had John Dean on his show. And John Dean, who worked with Robert Altemeyer, recognized the fundamental difference in the two philosophies.
Sorry I spouted off. I'll go crawl back in my little hole now.