Why Aren’t Prep Schools Following Corporate Reforms? By diane ravitch [View all]
**Hat tip to yurbud, who posted this in Good Reads
This is a terrific article about the elite prep schools and the fact that they do not follow the reforms that are now pushed by the U.S. Department of Education, the Gates Foundation, the Broad Foundation, and other corporate reformers.
Here are some quotes from the article:
Go ahead and do an online search of the countrys top prep schools, or check out this list from Forbes. Peruse some of the school websites and do a search for anything that mainstream education reformers suggest we implement in your neighborhood public school. Try, for example, common core state standards. How about data-driven instruction? Or, what about two weeks worth of mandated high-stakes, standardized state tests, preceded by weeks, if not months, of benchmarks, short-cyles, and pre-assessments?
Are they likely to hire teachers without advanced degrees?
Check out the proportion of teachers at those schools who possess advanced degrees. At Horace Mann in the Bronxwhere 36 percent of students are accepted at an Ivy League school, Stanford, or MIT94 percent of the teachers have advanced degrees. Now, who was it that said rewarding teachers with advanced degrees is a waste of money? Ah yes, our Secretary of Education, Arne Duncan. How far do you think Mr. Duncans argument would get with parents who examine a potential schools Ivy/MIT/Stanford pipeline percentage score? Not very far.
So why are the prep schools avoiding Duncans great ideas?
If the reforms mandated by Departments of Education and fawned over by upstart think-tankers were as fantastic as advised again and again, then you can bet that every single one of the countrys best prep schools would be implementing them as rapidly as possible. Theyre not, and you shouldnt accept them either.
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