brain development and what grows the neural connections birth through kindergarten needed to perform well academically; those things are part of the culture in more educated and/or intellectual households/families. They are often missing from the culture of the under-educated, of those coming from generational poverty. It's a generational thing.
I myself come from working poor people. They were, though, literate, and that made the difference. My mother brought me up from the cradle talking to me, playing with me, singing to me, reading to me, playing word games, reading with me, and directly interacting with me constantly, despite the fact that she was a working single mom struggling to keep us together. She constantly created and sought out enriched environments and experiences that develop those neural connections so crucial to later learning. She didn't know that's what she was doing. She just loved me, loved being with me and interacting with me, loved words and ideas and exploring and talking and thinking and talking about thinking. I was lucky. Many aren't.