Lunch lady rises to teachers union leader and takes on all comers, bluntly [View all]
By Lyndsey Layton
She began her career in a school cafeteria, as a lunch lady. In three weeks, she will take over as head of the nations largest labor union, representing 3 million educators.
Lily Eskelsen García, 59, a telegenic, guitar-slinging firebrand, has made her unlikely rise to the top of the National Education Association as the union faces the most daunting political challenges in its 157-year history. She is already fighting back with blunt talk, urging teachers nationwide to revolt against stupid education reforms and telling politicians to leave teaching to the professionals.
Her first priority: Putting the brakes on standardized testing, an issue she believes will resonate not only with her members but also with parents important potential allies for the political clashes she sees ahead. García believes the country is in the grip of testing mania, the quest for high scores killing joy, narrowing curriculums and perverting the learning process.
Ill be damned if I will sit quietly and play nice and say diplomatic things about something that has corrupted the profession I love, García said.