In reply to the discussion: I wonder if Arne Duncan is trying to end the category of special education? [View all]liberal_at_heart
(12,081 posts)for your child missingthebigdog. My son has had some average teachers, one bad teacher, and one teacher I will treasure for the rest of my life. While it is true there are a few bad apples out there the far greater problem is that the good teachers don't have the resources to do what they need to do. They are expected to perform better and better with less and less resources. My son had a 3rd/4th grade math comprehension when he was forced to take a 6th grade math curriculum. He cried almost daily and would request to skip school. I had to tell him he had to go, not to give up, and we came up with a motto. Do what you can and don't worry about the rest. That is now our family motto. So if you find your opinion about whether every special education student can take AP classes is met with resistance it is because we know from personal experience that not all special education students can take AP classes. We are very happy for those who can take AP classes. We encourage those who are capable of taking them to take them. We just don't want our children to be forced to take those classes if they are not ready for them. Is that too much to ask?