Well written article from Alternet about the math common core. Makes a lot of great points. [View all]
Here is the link to the article:
These two quotes illustrate why the math common core is a disaster
"I fear the mathematicians who designed this newest new math may have forgotten that second-graders are not abstract thinkers. Truth be told, most 7-year-olds dont care about learning many different ways to solve a problem. They cant handle several variables at once in a word problem. They just want to know how to get an answer. So this newest new math approach may not align with what we know about child development."
"Im not qualified to debate the new math approach versus the learn your math facts approach. But there has to be something wrong when two of my grandkids have declared themselves math haters and no good at math by second grade."
This article underscores the points madfloridian has been making.