While it is true that gasoline I'd far more dangerous than, say, nuclear power, and climate change is more dangerous than either, I would say that if anything is being flogged, it's soothsaying and magical thinking.
It is true that consumers chose gasoline over the requirement to clean up horse manure in the cities but the consequences are now well understood.
Given the state of the world, in particular the atmosphere, future generations, the generations we screwed with magical and often reactionary thinking may have other priorities than consumerism, survival for instance.
Of course hydrogen can be made from nuclear power. General Atomics was exploring the SI thermochemical cycle in the 1960s. It's 2023. Only one nuclear plant has piloted the SI cycle, the 10 MW(th) plant HTR-10 plant in China.
You have a very naive, in my opinion, on consumer choice. It's hardly driven by wisdom. It's driven by marketing. The very stupid discussion of hydrogen as a fuel is a marketing effort. It's being marketed here by fossil fuel interests in my view.
If anyone here works to endorse this wasteful scheme, this late in the game, in my view they are working to the detriment of humanity, not It's benefit.
You have also, I note, misconstrued, what I was saying about methane. My point was that the hydrogen industry destroys exergy of methane now, but they do so for a purpose, to make hydrogen for the production of important industrial chemicals, the most critical being ammonia on which our food supply depends. A methane, hydrogen to methane cycle would be unbelievably stupid, but if there's one thing about hydrogen fantasies, they clearly generate huge amounts of stupidity. Hydrogen production on this planet consumes about 20 Exajoules of energy to produce a gas with an energy content of slightly more than 10 Exajoules.
You know even an intellectually challenged fool like Joe Romm was able to see through the hydrogen scam, this about 20 years ago. Vast sums of money and resources are being squandered on hydrogen fantasies. To the extent these efforts in square pegs hammered into round holes are driven, the worse it will be for the future of humanity.