Why I'm against hydrogen cells, central solar plants, and question nuclear options? [View all]
A couple guiding principle I have besides reducing fossil fuels/ climate change, is thus.
1. I believe hydrogen cells put us back at the mercy of manufacturers. While I can't manufacture electric parts, I already know it's quite possible for some in their own garage to do a lot of self-maintenance and repair at home on electric. A lot of electric vehicles can be a lot more plug-n-play if someone wants to make them that way. And as long as you can remove parts and replace you can do a whole lot on your own now. It may not be ideal now, but it could be. I could be wrong on hydrogen cars being too much of a chunk of complexity that no one really will be able to handle at home. But until I'm sure, I will say, I'm highly doubtful, unless they can be shown to be worth the cause. We could certainly focus more on fuel cells on public transport, maybe?
2. I don't necessarily object to solar plants, (maybe it can be made safer for wildlife) but we're again suggesting putting more energy to a central source. I would rather the focus be at solar at home, or other thermal options. Replace my bill to the current power company for a new kind of power company??? Why? Let's not if we don't have to. If every other Ukrainian had small solar units at home, they would at least have some electricity. With enough solar panels you can get energy even on a cloudy day. Not to mention increases in efficiency that may occur over the years.
This leads in my 3rd point.
3. You bomb a normal power plant you cut power to potentially many thousands of customers. Depending on the damage, maybe weeks to months to repair. You bomb a nuclear plant, you're likely talking years to replace, even if there is somehow no contamination. You bomb people with power options at home. You can replace them as fast as you can get parts. And only ones that are damaged suffer. I'm not saying never use nuclear or anything else but beware of depending too much on them. You can reinforce nuclear plants even against bombs, but smart bombs are capable of hitting the same place one after another. That's how we destroy really hardened facilities already. Nothing can prevent that but maybe very expensive iron domes like Israeli.