How to be a frugal zero waster [View all]
How to be a frugal zero waster
Katherine Martinko, April 5, 2019
Step 1: Ignore the Instagram-driven message that your zero waste home has to look perfect.
It is a common misconception that a zero waste lifestyle has to be expensive. Of course, if you spend too much time on Instagram, you might start to think that you have to load up on fancy matching jars, cloth bags, wooden brushes, sea sponges, and stainless steel containers in order to do it properly. But that's not true.
Frugal zero waste living boils down to a willingness to source food and products in alternative ways, different from the typical weekly grocery store run. Once you are willing to look for things in different places the thrift store, the farmers' market, a roadside stand, garage sale, a recycling bin, a local farm with a sign out front then you start to figure out ways around packaging.
Going zero waste is a major lifestyle transformation, a whole new way of thinking and doing. It means I have to think about when to set dough to rise so kids have bread for school lunches. I have to start soaking beans well in advance of whatever meal I need them for. I have to take time to pick berries in summer to freeze for winter.
A minor deviation or conflict between the goals of being
Frugal versus
Zero Waste?
Going to far trying to achieve perfect boutique Zero Waste at the expense of being just plain Frugal?