Through the wall AC question [View all]
I have lived my adult life in really hot places. And took great pride in only using a swamp cooler for decades for cooling. About ten years ago I started trying more efficient ACs meant for windows. But in my rather small farm house, rather then mess up the windows the builder who does lots of odd jobs around here cut a hole in the wall, put a sleeve in, build a platforms for the little window AC and then when the swamp cooler was not enough, there was one small room that was cooler. The power bill went up $10/ month, because I did not use it often.
Then when the swamp coolers pump motor and fan broke, there were even more efficient window ACs and I decided to put another one in, in another room. Did the same sleeve new windowless window installation. Fast forward to now. I found an inverter AC unit that uses 25% less energy. I would like to replace one of these old window ACs. But in CAPITAL LETTERS it says DO NOT INSTALL IN WALLS OR THROUGH WALLS.
Does anyone know what this is about? I have a friend who is an architect. We went over all the possible differences between a window and an sleeved opening in a wall. All were covered by what this builder built to hold the window ACs.
Any ideas what the risk could be? What is the difference between a constructed windowless opening in a wall and an actual window?