one float/hover right over me in broad daylight, over a tree and me in which I was under, and for some reason I looked up as it floated right over me in brilliant daylight. It was no more than 50 feet from me as it gently floated over the tree and me on its path...It was so close I could see details of its construction / layout on the underneath of the vehicle as it floated over.
I was so excited I then ran from the front yard where the tree was to get my sister who was inside our home to show her the UFO too, and by the time we both got back to the opened front door of the house (Independence MO) and I showed her, it was at the same level, perhaps 50 feet high off the ground, but roughly 1/4-1/2 mile away. We both could still see it, but of course a smaller version of it being further away. It was still silently floating on its path, at the same height off the ground, and we both could see the craft while standing on our front porch (our yard ran down to the road/our house sat up a little higher than the road).
So, it wasn't a pinpoint of light in the sky. It was right in front of me literally in broad daylight. Witnesses too. At school the next day, there were others in my elementary school that saw the object too.
How can I not believe? I know what a plane looks like, a balloon, etc. The object I saw was a flying craft of some unknown design and it literally hovered off the ground. I couldn't tell you if it made any noise or not, as I'm profoundly hard of hearing so if it did make any noise, I wouldn't of heard it. So I don't hyperventilate about it, I don't go ranting and raving about it. I just know what I saw, and no one, I repeat, no one will ever convince me that what I saw, in broad daylight, was swamp gas, a balloon, a plane or some other stupid explanation as one hears all of the time about.
And it's probably true. Seeing is believing. Once you see one, and I mean up close and personal like I did, you'll believe.